API Prospect Group ID - Response (value) workaround.

When the ClientProspectGroupID is linked to a Prospect but only returns a default value of Zero (0) in the response, for the Onboarding API (GET + GETALL) calls in the APIX documentation.

However, as an alternative you can search for the Prospect Group by adding the Prospect Name value into the String field for the API call below:

  • This will then reveal the actual Prospect Group ID in the response.

URL: https://apix.riskscreen.com/client/prospectgroup

API: /api/v1/client/prospectgroup/search


Once you have the ClientProspectGroupID value (as returned in the response), you can then use that, along with the ClientProspectID and UniqueID in the next API call below, which will then return all values in the response (if they are genuinely linked).

Beforehand, in regard to revealing the UniqueID value this will need to be done by accessing the actual Prospect Group > View Structure on the (front end) UI by hovering the curser over the linked Prospect (see example below):

  • In this example the Unique ID is revealed as: 7353


URL: https://apix.riskscreen.com/client/prospectrelationship

API: /api/v1/client/prospectrelationship/get


This response will then provide all of the IDs to the actual Prospect (you are searching on), meaning you can then use these going forward in other API Calls etc.

Response - Example: