How can I change the permissions of my users?

The idea of the group memberships is to allow for different permissions for different users. Each user group can have altered permissions, which is good to control what users can access etc. I'll show you how to define permissions for a user group below:

First, you'll need your internal admin user to go to the 'Settings' and then into 'Group Management’:

If we go into the 'Permissions' link on the user group you want to edit, this will then bring up a final menu where you can specifically define each permission you want to apply to said user group. These permissions are applied via tickboxes for each specific permission. These tickboxes are completely up to how you want your system to function.

Anyone you then assign the user group to, will have the permissions assigned. Note, that users can have multiple user groups assigned to them, but these user groups will directly impact what they can and cannot do within the KYC360 CLM Platform.

You assign users within the Group Management page, by clicking into the specific User Group and then promoting/assigned member or supervisor access. Please find the below graphic for the differences on the two roles: