How can I receive email notifications/how can I change who receives these email notifications?

The functionality of the system means that you will only receive email notifications for the records you have previously investigated (this is because you can only enable the notifications per record in the flagging menus, more on this in the next section below). These emails notifications are due to DowJones having updated/changed their documentation on the profile you have already investigated, meaning that there could be new information that may change you previous determined outcome from investigations.

These email notifications will be sent when you have the 'Notify' option within the investigated record set to ''Yes'.

Meaning you will always receive notifications when their DowJones profile has been changed or updated, once the system has completed it's daily overnight screening.

The users who will receive these data change emails must qualify by the following:

  1. Must either be the user who previously worked the alert/record, OR
  2. Be a supervisor of the user group that the record is assigned to

Completely fresh and new potential matches returned as a result of the overnight screening will not be notified to you via email. These will sit in the outstanding 'Potential Matches' screen, and is up to you to login and view this to see if there are any fully new potentials to investigate.