How do I add Business Units?

Business Units exist as an additional module to Screening, with associated commercials. If you would like more information regarding these, please contact

You can create your own Business Units if you have administrator permissions for your Screening environment. 

Clicking into the option highlighted in blue will then show you all previously created Business Units and give you the option to create a new Business Unit. 

If you choose to create a new Business Unit you will see the following options: 

Here you can name the unit, add a description, add create it as active. Once you have an active new Business Unit you will need to decide which User Groups can operate within it. To do this, please select Group Management from the Settings option in the bar at the top righthand of the screen, as shown. 

In the Group Management section, select the group you wish to add to your new unit by clicking into the Group through 'Edit'

Once in the Group page if you scroll to the bottom of the page, you will see all the Units available for this Group to operate in. You can add in a Group to the new Unit by selecting add to group, you can also remove a group from a unit here.