How do I manage my data deletion requests?

When a user creates a data deletion, they will submit the request to one of their internal admins for approval.

Please note, as an admin, you will not receive an email notifying you that a data deletion request has been made. It is at the responsibility of the user creating the request to inform you it has been raised, and the admins responsibility to ensure the 'manage data deletion requests' section is being monitored.

To access your data deletion requests, enter the 'data management' drop down:

From here, you will be presented with the following screen:

Highlighted in yellow, you can see the 'show data deletion requests' section.

It is in this section, you can monitor your past and ongoing data deletion requests.

Please note - there is a 24-hour time period from when the data deletion request is submitted, for it to be approved. If it is not approved in this time, the request will need to be resubmitted.