How do I send a Data Collection request to a prospect in KYC360 Onboard using API?

With the ability to add prospects through API method, we also have an option to automatically send a data collection form to a prospect.

The process includes 2 incremental steps:

  1. Add Data collection  : Use Onboarding Add request API call /api/v1/client/onboardingdatarequest/add

    You would need:

    ClientProspectID – You get when a Prospect is added.

    ClientOnboardingID – You get when Prospect is added to the OB journey.

    Expiry Date – Link would have no expiry date if left blank.

    Email Template ID – You would get email template ID by using /api/v1/static/emailtemplate/get

    In response you will get DataRequestID



2.    Send Data Collection  : You would then use another API call /api/v1/client/onboardingdatarequest/send where you will use DataRequestID retrieved from above call to send data collection link to the Employee Sponsor.




Alternatively, You can also Generate Data collection link by using /api/v1/client/onboardingdatarequest/GenerateDataCollectionLink where you would use same DataRequestID.




Additional information:

  • Expiry date will be picked up Add request API call.
  • If you do not specify Email address, the email will be sent to the email set for prospect when prospect is added.