Live AVM Module, (building) Configurations for the Criteria.

What considerations and understanding is needed when building and configuring the Criteria, within Live AVM?

Customise AVM Criteria:

  • Selecting this option allows you to amend which criteria is used, the country searched, the date range of the search as well as adding/excluding additional terms.


  • The AVM drop-down options are populated with the different criteria created in configuration which is detailed below. AVM Country is a simple country list (with an all option as well) to define the country searched (e.g., for France rather than for the UK).
  • The AVM date range has the following options for the different periods of time you can search against.


Configuration - Criteria:

  • Under the AVM configure section you can select criteria where you can add, edit, and delete adverse media screening criteria:  


  • You can add the name, description, date range, set a country and the frequency of the screening, select the search term option (first name only, first name + last), customise term sets and customise the exclusion URLS’s. There is also the search engine configuration (API), which needs to be input for each of the search engines sets being used and is explained in detail in the Google, Bing Web, and Bing News API section from page 12.
  • The Frequency in Days allows you to define how many days this Criteria set will run against your entities. For example, if you set it to 5, the client entity records’ will be screened for AVM on the next batch run, and after that it will run every 5 days. It is against when the client entity record was last screened, not last time the criteria set ran.


  • When adding a new AVM Criteria or updating an existing one, the user will be able to increase the ‘AVM Frequency in Days’. This can go up to 1200 days. 


  • Safe search has also been included, which will remove explicit and potential offensive content from the search results. 


Term sets:

  • Are a collection of terms used in the search. You can create and use multiple term sets, because there is a limit to the number of terms in each term set (approx. 30 terms). To have more than the 30 limited by a term set, simply create another term set for the additional terms.
  • Note: You can use a maximum of 32 in a Term set; And you will need to create a new Term set for additional terms and this will count as a separate search credit with your Google / Bing APIs.

  • Defaults Screening term set: money laundering, terrorism, tax evasion, illegal, fraud, scandal, crime, criminal, sanctions, laundered, laundering, corrupt, corruption, bribe, bribery, bribed, prosecution, prosecuted, prosecution, sanctioned, OFAC, elected, investigation, investigated, minister, defendant, blacklist, leader, arms, bearer share, drug.
  • Geographical Locale Setting: The ability to optimise your search results by configuring the geographical locale setting, per Criteria, to better match your localisation requirements. For example, you may have different operational locations and therefore want to set these to have different Geolocale settings this can be changed to any region – e.g. ‘’ ‘’ etc.
  • This is to be requested through KYC360 for the changing of locale. IMPORTANT: This is in addition to the AVM Country drop down, which can also assist with your location requirements.



Search Engine APIs:

You have the option to utilise the following 3 search engines:

  • Google
  • Bing
  • Bing News
You are able to pick and choose any combination of these, again per Criteria. These will be managed centrally via KYC360 routing searches to all providers through a single API. So, you just need to decide what search engines you require on implementation.
  • Billing for the use of Live AVM is based on volume of searches and will be undertaken on an annual retrospective basis at the point of your renewal.