Live AVM Module, (creating and assigning) Categories for Matches.

What methods are used to create and assign Categories for Match Potentials within Live AVM?

Flag Categories:

Here you can add, edit, and delete the flag categories which show when flagging matches.

Grouping – Allows you to group the match flag categories (1= Relevant acceptable, 2=Relevant Not acceptable).

Scrape – If this is set to yes, it will take a PDF copy of the page when using this category.

  • The user can choose whether the pdf report of the match is collected immediately
    or whether it is created in background.
  • If you require more details within the report, then you will need to choose 'Yes'
    from the require scrape drop down and then you are able to chose between
    ‘foreground’ (scrapes immediately), or 'background' (scrapes in the background).
  • The recommended option is to choose the scrape in background as then this enables
    the user to continue with their work and the report will be generated on a periodic
    polling basis.
  • If the background scraping option is chosen whilst the report is generated the link
    will be disabled.  


Discount Categories:

  • In AVM discount categories you can add, edit, and delete the discount categories which show when discounting matches (grouping option is not relevant for discount categories).


Flagging & Discounting:

  • In the action’s column, you have the flag and discount options. Flagging will bring up a window where you need to choose a (customisable) flag category, set the valid to date and can add reasoning to your choice.
  • The text that’s input in the 'reason' field will show on the customer details page when looking at the AVM flagged matches. The valid to date can be used to set a designated period that the match is flagged/discounted for. 


  • Choosing the discount option will bring up an almost identical window, but with the discount category drop down options instead. These drop-down boxes are both customisable and will be detailed in the configuration section. 



Bulk Actions:

  • You can select potential matches to bulk flag/discount and exclude specific URLs for the client entity or for the entire criteria (dependant on having supervisor permission) going forward: 


  • Bulk flagging & discounting will bring up the same windows as individually flagging/discounting, where you will select the flag/discount category and can provide reasons for your choice.
  • The exclude options will bulk exclude the websites either for the individual/entity you’re searching (exclude for client entity), or for the specific criteria (exclude for criteria) e.g., Higher risk customer criteria. This means that the next time you search for that particular entity or use those criteria, the excluded websites will not show up in your results.


Viewing customer details and deleting potential matches:

  • You can navigate to the customer details page and delete the potential matches found for a
    customer by going to 'view' when looking at potential matches:


  • This will take you to the customer details page, where if you scroll down, you can see the AVM potential matches, the flagged/discounted matches and you have the option to delete the matches: 


  • This will delete all outstanding potential AVM matches.


Navigating to AVM matches from the customer details page:

  • It is possible to see the AVM potential matches for a customer via their customer details page
    instead of going through the AVM potential matches button on the home page.
  • In the customer details at the very top you can find an AVM matches option which will take you to the customers AVM matches.