Live AVM Module (Reviewing) Potential Matches.

What are the best ways to review Match Potentials within Live AVM?

Potential Matches:

  • Navigate to AVM potential matches under AVM screening to see results for individual/entity
    searches which will bring up this page: 

Filtering Options:

  • Priority Filter – Filter the results in priority order (ascending/descending), the drop-down will only show the numbers 0-9 which are visible.
  • Group Filter – Filter results into User Groups.
  • User Filter – Filter results into specific Users.
  • Rows Per Page – how many results are shown per page.
  • Sort By – Various filtering/ordering of results settings.
  • Sort Direction – Ascending/Descending ordering.


  • Priority – Directly linked to ‘Risk’ applied.
  • Customer Name – Name of customer.
  • No. of Potential Matches – Volume of potentials returned from search.
  • Last Result – is the sum of [today’s date] minus [date last MP returned for CE] shown in days.
  • Age (days) – is the sum of [today’s date] minus [date first MP returned for CE] shown in days.
  • Handler Group – User Group the potential is assigned to.
  • Handler User – User the potential is assigned to.
  • Business Unit – Name of the Business Unit the potential is assigned to.

You can sort each column by clicking on the headers, for example clicking on date so sort by date.

  • You can also assign the potential matches by selecting the tick box to the far left and selecting reassign selected potentials to other users.


Viewing Matches:

To investigate the potential matches, select the hyperlink on the full name which will provide the
details of the search and display a list of matches and the hyperlinks for each match:

The first field will show ‘name’ for individuals and ‘entity name’ for companies. 


Load More Results:

Load More Results clickable link at the end of the results. This gives the user the ability to view additional matches, if required. The user can press this up to 6 times, each time 5 additional results will appear. Note: This will only appear if there are more matches available and only on the last page of results.

When the user has exhausted the Load More option No more matches will appear at the bottom of the screen.