Partial Name match, to use or not to use?

What do I do if I only have the middle name initial of the individual I am searching for?

When conducting a search on RiskScreen, if you do not have the full middle name of an individual, you should leave the field unpopulated. Do not use an initial when searching, only use the full middle name. 

KYC360's Fuzzy Logic algorithm is based on the Jaro-Winkler bias which compares two strings of data and defines their likeliness based on a percentage match. Our system then filters out results that don't meet the minimum required percentage match threshold based on your criteria (for KYC360 Screening) or the search accuracy setting (for RiskScreen). 

For more information on the Fuzzy logic algorithm please find an article here 

By inputting an initial instead of a full name, the system will compare Dow Jones profiles to the initial provided to our system, therefore affecting the percentage match that is applied.