Salesforce - Report | Accounts with no Potential Matches

This is to help demonstrate how to build a custom report for all Accounts with no Potential Matches on the customers application.

Please follow the steps below:

  • Go to the Reports tab and select New Report.


  • You should then be presented with the Create Report option.
  • In the search box type in Accounts.
  • Now click the Start Report button.


  • Now click on the Outline option.
  • And in the Columns search box type Client Entity Id
  • Then add this to your report.


  • Now click on the Filters option.
  • Click on the drop down arrow and select Add Cross Filter.


  • In the pop up box adjust the drop downs as follows:
  • Accounts
  • Without
  • Cases
  • Apply


  • Now on the next screen you can click All Account, All Time and then Refresh
  • This will give you the full results on your system.


  • Now Save the report with the desired name, into the folder you require.
  • Then you can select Run so that it produces the report as needed.


  •  Your results for All Accounts that have No Potential Matches (green tick) will then be presented.