Issue while attempting to download a Dow Jones file, with the server returning an error:
When encountering the following issue regarding the downloading of the daily Dow Jones data file onto your RiskScreen - Onsite application, please carry out the troubleshooting checks as described below:
Example of error:
Subject: Risk Screen Dead URL Warning! - Server Name
- While attempting to download a file the server returned an error as follows:
- Dow Jones URL is not valid with error The remote name could not be resolved:
- This email was automatically generated by the RiskScreen utility.
Note: Please begin to carry out the first check the following:
- Are you using a proxy server.
- Does the account have internet access that is running the program.
This could be what's causing your problem and If so the issue may need an additional bit of code added to your RiskScreen executable configuration file.
- If you can ask a member of your technical team to review and check, this can be found on the App's host machine drive under:
Program Files\RiskScreen
Note: The code needs be added beneath the APP Configuration Settings and be part of the App Settings section, but above the closing tag of </configuration> (as below):
<!--<defaultProxy useDefaultCredentials="true"/>-->
Note: If the Proxy settings are configured as expected and the above code is not required to be added, then please proceed to check all of the listed items below to consider, hopefully helping to reveal the cause of the issue.
- Have any internal security settings in your organisation been enhanced recently?
- Have you managed to log in with the service account accessing this directly via the URL with your credentials, to see if they're blocked by the firewall.
- Is this issue only occurring for the one domain, are any others connecting and working as expected?
- Could you possibly also please check this by pinging the server via a CMD prompt session.
- Can you check that any login credentials and passwords have not lapsed.
- Have the Data Source Settings login details on the application been changed (as follows)?
System > Settings > Options > Data Source Settings > Username > Password
- Also have you attempted to manually run the batch from the application, this could help be an interim solution in the meantime.