Salesforce - Report | All existing Accounts with associated Cases

This is to help demonstrate how to build a custom report for all Accounts and associated Cases on the customers application.

Please follow the steps below:

  • Go to the Reports tab and select New Report.


  • You should then be presented with the Create Report option.
  • In the search box type in Accounts.
  • Now click the Start Report button.


  • After that is done, click on the All Accounts and All Time buttons.


  • Once that is done now click on the Report drop down and select Joined Report, then Apply.


  • You will also need to select Add Block


  • In the Create Report windows that pops up, type Cases into the search box.
  • Select Cases and then on the right hand side then click Add Block.


  • Once that's done on the next screen please click Filters.
  • You should see the Cases below the Accounts option on the left hand pane.


  • Under Cases you will then type in Subject into the Add Filter search box
  • This will produce a pop up window where you will adjust to the following.
  • Field = Subject
  • Operator = Starts With
  • User relative value = Customer : (which is Customer [space] :)
  • Now click Apply.


  • This will produce the results of the attributes you've added.
  • Which will display all Accounts and their associated Cases.


  • Before saving and running the report, please consider any additional fields you would like to see displayed as part of this?
  • To do this click Outline and then use the Add Column boxes for both Accounts and Cases to search for any additional fields you want added.
  • Or alternatively you can click on the cross 'x' and remove any you don’t want to include with the report.


  • Now Save the report as a name you want to call it.
  • I have used All Accounts with associated Cases.


  •  Once you have done this select the Folder you want to place it in and click Save. 


  • Then you can return to the Reports menu, find your new report and Run this to produce the results.