This will show you how to navigate to where the user accounts are managed on your system, to either add more users or amend existing user permissions.
Firstly navigate to the User settings via the Setup icon (top right hand side of the screen).
When on the Home tab, type in User as the search term.
Click on Users and this should list all user accounts on the system
- This gives the option to edit an existing User, or;
- You can select the New User button to create a new Account.
If you click Edit you can then either disable any accounts for any members who should no longer be active, such as individuals who've left the business etc, or enhance their credentials if required.
- Please note if you are wanting to mimic or duplicate the roles and settings of another user, ensure you don’t delete their account but only mark it as Inactive as you will need to review their settings.
- Also this will be important factor when it comes to historical reporting review purposes.
- However, you may need to be an Administrator User to perform these tasks.
Troubleshooting user information such as a duplicate username, means that you'll need to make this unique, not matching any that are already assigned elsewhere on the system.
Please see the following links for further advice: