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What do I do if I believe a profile has been missed / is incorrect from Dow Jones?
Please take the following into consideration when inputting data, if the results generated are not what you believe you should see (and you have sufficient evidence to prove this) please raise a support ticket here so that we can contact our data providers for an investigation:
You can, register in our customer portal to raise support tickets.
Please ensure you provide the following information:
× Use the legal name of the person or entity
× For individuals split each section of a name into its respective components i.e. break it down into Last Name, First Name and Middle Name fields; Where information is not readily available for long names, we recommend breaking the name down as first word in First Name, last word in Last Name and all other words in the Middle Name field
× For entities provide the full name of the entity in the Last Name Field
× Do not store First or Middle Names as initials
× Do not include Titles in the First Name field
× Do not include suffixes next to any name field Examples: (Deceased), Jr, III, etc.
× Do not include 2 Persons as a single record; Example: Mr & Mrs Jones