What does DocumentTypeID means while adding Onboarding document using API ?

DocumentTypeID is the type of static property data item within KYC360 where each item is hard coded as below within the database.

         None = 0,
         Passport = 1,
         IDCardFront = 2,
         IDCardBack = 3,
         Selfie = 4,
         Utility = 5,
         Utility2 = 6,
         Utility3 = 7,
         Additional = 8,
         PaperLicense = 9,
         ProofOfAddress = 10,
         AdditionalDocuments = 11

You would need  use values when initiating add Onboarding document API call. For example :

API Endpoint : /api/v1/client/onboardingdocument/add

Similarly, you can use these static value within Update Onboarding Document API call.

API endpoint :   /api/v1/client/onboardingdocument/update