What is an AVM search criteria?

This article will explain how AVM Criteria effects you potential AVM hits.

AVM search criteria is the rules that the system follows when screening you client records for AVM matches, the following can be edits to affect you AVM results:

  • Date Range: All you to exclude AVM hits that are before a certain time period 

  • Country: is a simple country list (with an all option as well) to define the 
    country searched (e.g., google.fr for France rather than google.co.uk for the UK).
  • AVM Frequency In Days: allows you to define how many days this Criteria set will run against your entities. For example, if you set it to 5, the client entity records’ will be screened for AVM on the next batch run, and after that it will run every 5 days. It is against when the client entity record was last screened, not last time the criteria set ran.
  • Safe Search: will remove explicit and potential offensive content from 
    the search results. 
  • Term Sets: are a collection of terms used in the search. You can create and use multiple term sets, because there is a limit to the number of terms in each term set (approx. 30 terms). To have more than the 30 limited by a term set, simply create another term set for the additional terms.  
  • Exclusion URLs: allows you to enter urls that you don't want appearing in you search result e.g. if you didn't want results from YouTube you would enter www.youtube.com/