What is an internal watchlist, how do I configure one?

Internal Watchlists are an additional module within screening, they have been developed to allow you to create your own watchlists that will be included in the screening process. This allows you to create bespoke lists for the system to screen against, outside of the Dow Jones data base. The internal watchlist screening occurs at the same time as the daily overnight Dow Jones batch screening run. You will therefore see any matches of this appear in the potential matches page in the same way that your Dow Jones potential matches would appear.

If you have not opted in for these, but would like to have more information, please contact our account management team at accountmanagement@kyc360.com

When you are implemented, you will be provided with a unique template file, which is used to complete the data fields for the records you wish to create a watchlist from. If you need assistance with uploading an IWL file, or have any further questions, please raise a ticket to contact our support team HERE.