Where do I configure an ID-Pal email alert?

Upon Data Approval the Prospect will receive the following email, as a call to download the 
ID Pal app, if this is enabled at Type level.

Within the ID Verification section of the OnBoarding Type, you can configure the email 
invitation to complete the eIDV checks that your Prospect will receive.


Within the Identity Verification stage, the option to customise will be displayed as shown:

Note: For existing OnBoarding Types the following default email subject and wording will be 
used, until changed. 

Default Email Subject: - ID-Pal app installation instructions

Default Email Body: Hello {prospectfullname}, Please follow these instructions to complete your electronic identification process:

{b}Please open this email on your mobile device{/b} and click the link below to download the ID-Pal mobile app and complete the identification process:




This will display in the following format:

When changing the email text, please ensure that the text for the link must contain the 
{applink} brackets format.