Why am I not receiving data change notifications?


A data change email is sent to notify a user that there have been changes or updates made to a customer's potential matches. 

The users that receive data change emails must qualify by one of the following: 

1. Be a user who previously worked on the record 
2. Be a supervisor of the group that the record is assigned to. 


These email notifications will be sent when you have the notify option within the record set to ‘yes’ - this will result in any changes made to a customers record to be reflected in an email. 


If you would like a user to receive all of the data change notifications for the handler group, you can promote them to a supervisor of the group.

You can do this through user management, and promoting the user to 'supervisor' within the handler group.

The below is an example of a user that would be receiving all data change notification emails, as they are set to a supervisor of the handler group.


The best way to view the changes made to your clients record is to generate a snapshot difference report.  

If you would like to find out how you can generate a snapshot difference report, click here