Why are my Factiva links not working in RiskScreen (Core)?

From the 29th of June, KYC360 will require customers to ‘opt-in’ to maintain their access to Factiva links. A commercial agreement must be signed prior to this date, otherwise Factiva access will be defaulted to ‘off'

Factiva contains copies of press articles licensed for redistribution from over 60,000 global sources. These source articles can form part of the information presented on a Dow Jones profile when an individual or entity is screened and are predominantly surfaced as part of the Adverse Media Entities (AME) Feed, typically known as ‘structured’ adverse media.

Due to updated commercial terms with Dow Jones, from the 29th June 2024 KYC360 will no longer be able to provide access to Factiva content to customers without charge.

You will see that the links are greyed out:

image (4)

It is important to note that access to DJ, Sanctions, PEP and Watchlist screening profiling will remain unchanged.

The change to Factiva Reader Access is commercially driven as a result of a recent extensive re-negotiation between KYC360 and Dow Jones. 


What is the reason behind this change? 
Due to a highly favourable commercial relationship with Dow Jones, KYC360 has, since inception, been able to offer Dow Jones Sanctions, PEP and Watchlist Screening profiles in addition to Factiva access and the AME Feed in one consolidated licence, with no additional charge for Factiva access. 
Factiva is a separate product operated by DJ and is traditionally licensed separately, with charges associated. 
Due to updated commercial terms with DJ, KYC360 will no longer be able to provide access to Factiva content to customers without charge. 
It is important to note that access to DJ, Sanctions, PEP and Watchlist screening profiling will remain unchanged. 


What is Factiva?
Factiva contains copies of press articles licensed for redistribution from over 60,000 global 
sources. These articles can form part of the source information presented on a Dow Jones 
profile when an individual or entity is screened, and are predominantly surfaced as part of the 
Adverse Media Entities (AME) Feed. 
Factiva can be defined as ‘structured’ adverse media – containing confirmed AVM information 
pertaining to an individual or entity. You can find further information here: Factiva - Global News 
Monitoring & Search Engine | Dow Jones


What will happen if I do not proceed with Factiva Reader Access? 
Your screening against Dow Jones, Sanctions, PEP and Watchlist profiling will remain 
Although links to Factiva articles will still be visible through the Adverse Media Entities (AME) 
feed, organisations who have not opted into the new access requirements will not be able to 
view the associated information. Opting in is required if you wish to ensure continued access to 
Factiva content for your users. 


When will this change take place?
As of June 29th 2024, KYC360 will require customers to ‘opt-in’ to maintain their access to 
Factiva links. A commercial agreement in the form of an addendum must be signed prior to this 
date, otherwise Factiva access will be defaulted to ‘off’. 
To discuss how your organisation can continue to access Factiva articles please reach out to 
accountmanagement@kyc360.com for guidance on the next steps. 

What products will the Factiva change affect?
The Factiva changes will impact all KYC360 products:
• Screening (On Prem and Hosted)
• RiskScreen 
• Onboard
• Salesforce

How is the access to Factiva links charged? 
KYC360 customers will be charged on a per ‘seat’ or per ‘user’ basis. This is a pass-through cost
from Dow Jones to your business, administered by KYC360. KYC360 will not be seeking any 
commercial margin in passing on the cost to you from DJ. If an agreement has been signed -
your charges for Factiva access will be retrospectively charged on a pro-rata basis at your next
renewal. At renewal, you will then be charged prospectively for the license year ahead. If you 
wish to increase the number of seats midyear, you can do this by contacting 


What if I have multiple KYC360 products? 
Factiva Reader Access will be managed at an organisational level. If your organisation utilises 
multiple products, we will require the number of users/seats at an organisational level – with 
charge only attributed to users, not products. For example, if an individual user with access to
RiskScreen and the Screening solution requires access to Factiva links in both products, this 
would count as one seat, not two. 
If some of your users of KYC360 products do not access Factiva links, they do not need to be 
licensed to access Factiva content under this change.


Who do I contact for more information? 
Please contact accountmanagement@kyc360.com for further information on this.