Records will show their category status next to their profile name and Dow Jones profile.
For most tags, this will be shown in a grey box if inactive, or red if the status is still active.
For Active Sanction results you will see Sanctions highlighted in red and the wording ‘Active
sanctions detected, please review the profile’ underneath.
For Inactive Sanction results you will see Sanctions highlighted in orange and the wording
‘No active sanctions detected, please review the profile’.
If sanction records exist but have all expired then an orange box is displayed along with the
new context message.
In the Overview tab, you can easily identify inactive records by looking at the PEP, RCA, or
Sanction/Watchlist Status. In the Details tab of the Potential Matches Screen, you can find
further information about the inactive records, including notable dates.
If all lists are inactive for any of these categories, the status will be displayed in orange and
bold. If ALL lists are inactive for (1) PEP, (2) RCA and/or (3) Sanctions/Watchlist.
PEP status
For instance - When a PEP moves out of a PEP role and has no current one, their status will become inactive, and their occupation title will read 'see previous roles'. If a PEP has died, the occupation title will read 'deceased'. The profiles of inactive PEPs will not be removed from the database even after they leave their roles of after death.