How does RiskScreen (Core) Adverse Media work?

RiskScreen (Core) adverse media (also referred to as unstructured AVM) is found through a Google and Bing search against 40 adverse terms, located on page 2 of your RiskScreen search.

You will have the option to flag the articles generated with one of 4 colours,

Grey: Discount the article as this is not about the individual / entity.

Green: Flag the article as this is about the individual / entity but does not come with any associated risk.

Orange: Flag the article as this is about the individual / entity and may need further investigation due to potential risk.

Red: Flag the article as this is about the individual / entity and comes with high risk.

The order of these searches are determined by the google algorithm, for more information on this algorithm please view the following article - 7 Reasons Google Search Results Vary Dramatically